The Claim:

  • When instructed to handle (remove or hang) an EOT at a location where carmen were on duty and available.

  • If not available on your working timeslip, put in as a non-service claim.


  • The EOT #

  • Train or track list showing car that EOT was placed on.

  • If changing the position of the EOT within the train, mark/highlight original rear car # and new car # on your track list.


Claiming 1 hours pay for handling an EOT in a Terminal where carmen are employed and available.  Was called to work the  (train symbol)  on   (date)   at  (Circ 7).  At ­­­­____ hrs, inside yard__, track ___, Yard Controller/Manager __________, instructed me hang/remove  EOT # _________ on/from car #___________.    Carman _______ was on duty, available and located in track_______, not performing any other duties---if the Carman handed you the EOT---Carman _________was on duty, available and handed me the EOT at rear car#__________.

This is fully supported by Article IV the 2023 Train Service Productivity & Utilization Agreement.