Senior Applicant to Pool Board Seniority...

Your claims:

  • When junior men are added to the pool board and you should/would have been added instead.


  • When you stood to be picked-up on the pool by application and Carrier refuses to add turns to the pool and Local Chairman's mileage regulation calls for such.
    • You need to have had your application in at the time the regulation calls for additions.
  • Claim is for a basic day for CMS Mishandling/seniority restriction.


  • A copy of the permanent bid list for the board showing your ranking on the list and the date of your bid.
  • A copy of the mileage regulation report from the Local Chairman.
  • A copy of the applicable seniority roster showing your ranking.


Claiming a basic day penalty account CMS Mishandling in restriction of my seniority in violation of Rules 40 and 92. On    (date)   at   (time)    hrs. the     (circ-7)         (board-id)    called to be increased by   (#)    positions. I had an application to the board as of   (date)    at   (time)   hrs. I was the   (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc) person to be picked up by application in seniority order. Claim 130 mile basic day for each day from   (date)    to   (date)   for a total of          basic days for continued restriction of my seniority.