Yard Jobs Converted to RCO
Claiming a basic day on account CMS improperly called my bulletined assignment as an RCO yard job when it was bulletined as a 3 person yard job (FOREMAN, SWITCHMAN and Engineer). The (Job ID) was properly bulletined on (DATE) and was required to work with (Regular Engineer name). On (Date of Occurrence) the Carrier did not fill the position of Engineer and required the crew to work as an RCO assignment. Northwest District Rule 50 ( e ) states Changed Working Conditions: The Company will give yardmen the usual notice of change In working conditions as will enable them to exercise their seniority rights. When regular yard crews are taken off, regular men on such crews will be so notified at or prior to completion of the run, but not later than the next markup covering the shift from which displaced.”
The 2002 Remote Control Agreement also states in Section4 – Bidding/Protection of Positions – PART A: RCL assignments shall be advertised in the usual manner at the implementing location. Since this assignment was not bulletined as an RCO assignment in the usual manner, the claim is for a basic day.